Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shots, shots, shots and shots

Tomorrow our little girl turns 15 months old! It seems like just yesterday that I was wishing she would grow up so I could talk to her and play with her! And now, here she is....very independent and opinionated! :)

Here are her measurements from the 15 month checkup today!
  • 30 inches tall - 35th percentile
  • 20lbs 4oz - 15th percentile
  • I can't remember head circumference but she is in the 65th percentile. No huge surprise there.

Reagan had 4 vaccinations today which included the regular flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine. She did about as well as you would expect a 15 month old to react. I've never cried during her shots....until today. But after a snack and a little love from "Tuh-ck", she was fine!

Here is an adorable picture from last week. She was playing around with her St. Patrick's Day headband. Her face says so many things to me in this picture!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Monday......

Here's my first attempt at joining Not Me! Monday! A way to be honest about all the things I would absolutely never do and being rip-roaring hilarious to others!

And here we go.....

I absolutely did not realize a one point last week that I was playing "fetch" with my child. I certainly did not tell her to "fetch!" after I realized that just to make myself laugh! Nope, not me!

I did not spend 25 minutes counting and listing all 83 articles of clothing that we are donating, and then WASH the stupid list. Nope, not me!
I definitely did not put on Little Einsteins so that my kid would be captured for 20 minutes while I ran to the other room, did my make-up, dried my hair and frantically got dressed before she came back in. Nope, not me!

And I don't know who it was that taught Reagan to say tampon this morning. Must have been some other mom named Sarah that stopped by our house. Because nope, it wasn't me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fresh Start

Well, hello there! Been a while, eh? Sorry. I'm not Canadian. Or Canadien. However it's spelled.

It's a new year and a fresh start to the blog! In case you didn't know, I have become a stay at home mom! Big thanks are in order. Most of all, to our God. For providing for us and giving us the opportunity to be the parents we want to be. And a huge thanks to my husband, Jeff. He's a beautiful human being and he works hard to make this new situation possible.

We must also thank our parents for supporting us and encouraging us in this decision. We love you!

Now, on to the fun stuff. Since I will be home more often, I'm going to blog more! I mean, Facebook is a fun outlet to write silly or slightly boring statements, but I can really let loose here. So here we go! I will try to update as often as possible, with pictures of course!

Christmas Morning on Rocket!

Christmas Day with Grandma Margie! Reagan wasn't feeling so hot.

Done posting pics today. I realized that I should post pics first and then do the typing or else everything gets totally jacked up. Until next time....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It seems like it's been forever since we posted but we wanted to get something out there. We have been very busy with Thanksgiving in Rockford and really enjoyed the long weekend with Grandma Margie coming to town to watch Reagan while we decorated. We'll get right to the pics:
The tree is up and the garland is on the railings!

Self portrait:

More tree (I don't have any shots of the outside yet)

Here are a couple shots of Reagan's 1st Birthday in Rockford. Shortly after we left for the Bahamas and we didn't get a chance to post. It was a great time!

Reagan kept everyone laughing by playing and GIGGLING HYSTERICALLY on the couch.

Lastly, a shot from Navy Pier this week when my brother and I actually saw the Bears win a game this year!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bahama Mamas (and grandpa, mimi and daddy)

What do the Bahamas and a baby add up to? One excellent vacation. The last week was spent in the Exuma islands of the Bahamas. We made the trek (including 3 flights and a few moving walkways in the ATL airport) to the sand and surf without problems! Grandpa and Mimi met us in Nassau and were thrilled to see Reagan!

I won't go into too many details because the pictures are worth thousands of words. Let's just say that it was absolutely precious to see Reagan adapt to the island life. The week was filled with trips to Whales Tail beach, workouts in the morning with Mimi & Juana, trips to the 'club', a few Kalik beers, Reagan's adventurous spirit and new words; 'bay-bee', 'mi-mi', 'pa-pa', 'tuh-ck' and our favorite, 'book-ah book-ah'. It doesn't mean anything other than "I'm having the time of my life!"

My first shell!

Grandpa & Mimi

I love sand!

Seclusion at its finest.

Hi daddy!

Our diggs. Shabby little view....


Sweet Bahama Baby.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Birthday and Halloween?!?!

Wow - what do you get when you combine Halloween, Daylight Savings Time, a 1st Birthday Party and a teething 1 year old into 48 hours? A great weekend best highlighted in pictures.

Reagan as Minnie Mouse (rare shot to get her with the ears on)

Trick or Treating at Grandma Candy and Poppa Bob's (note the Goldfish in her pumpkin)

In her chair as we started presents

Are all of these for me?

Reagan's cupcake that Sarah made

Digging in...


All done...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's a fog to me.....

I've been given the task, once again, to blog about the last week. And every time that Jeff asks me to do so, I can never remember what we did! And as I sit here trying to remember, it's still rather foggy. So here goes...

We had a rather uneventful last week (good way to start eh?). What I can tell you is that last Wednesday, Reagan and I went over to Joe and Lindsey's house to let our girls play together. It's really cute to see Audrey and Reagan together. You can tell they like each other but are still learning the concept of sharing. But they are only 1 right? It's a little early for that.

On Saturday we had a photo shoot up at the lake to get Christmas card pictures! Oh, and since our little cherub will be turning 1 in just 8 days, we wanted to capture this adorable age. Funny thing though. While she LOOKED adorable, she certainly didn't ACT adorable. She just wanted to run around on the dock unsupervised and that certainly was NOT going to happen. She sure does know what she wants and when she wants it.

We spent Sunday out at my dad's house. He cooked us a spectacular lunch and we watched the Bears game. (...through teary eyes. What the frick, Bears?)

I stayed home today to be extra cautious that our little one does not get the flu. Shirley's grandson has had it recently and we are just too darned nervous to take her back quite yet. But, that is F-I-N-E by me! I love being with her and it makes me so anxious to be a full time stay at home mommy! We have so much fun together!

Cute little update on Reagan: Her newest words are 'off' and 'shoes'. She actually says 'aw' for off but she truly says 'shoes'. It's amazing. She's amazing. Anyhoo, off to the pictures we go!

Cheesing for daddy....

Having a good time with mommy....

Playing around at Grandpa & Mimi's (we missed mimi!)

Cuddle bug.

Little towhead and her handsome daddy!